The Christmas Looney Tunes


Celebrate the festive season with Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and the entire Looney Tunes gang in the uproarious “Christmas Looney Tunes” album! This lively 7-track collection brings together two original songs and five beloved Christmas classics, each reimagined with zany new lyrics and whimsical musical arrangements.

Masterfully voiced by Keith Scott, this album is guaranteed to delight children and tickle the funny bone of adults alike. From the playful antics of Tweety to the mischievous adventures of Sylvester, each track is infused with the signature Looney Tunes blend of humour and chaos, making it a perfect soundtrack for holiday cheer and family fun.

Produced by: Gary Keady and John Vallins

  • Musical Arrangements: Keady, Vallins, and Beazley
  • Recording Date: 1991
  • Genre: Children’s comedy Christmas songs, easy listening
  • Tracks: 7
