Sons Of Steel 2: Cyberwars

Sons Of Steel 2: Cyberwars


It wasn’t the future Black Alice had experienced travelling time previously, this time, he’d materialised inside the mind of Turk.

It’s 2087, the world had been ravaged by the Cyberwars. Millions had been vaporised by nuclear strikes. The world’s major cities had been gutted and no longer habitable.


It wasn’t the future Black Alice had experienced travelling time previously, this time, he’d materialised inside the mind of Turk.

It’s 2087, the world had been ravaged by the Cyberwars. Millions had been vaporised by nuclear strikes. The world’s major cities had been gutted and no longer habitable.

After global databanks had been hacked, then erased, and while chaos reigned globally, all critical infrastructures had failed — satellite telecommunications were gone, electricity grids and water supply followed, everything reliant on computers and the internet had gone down globally and taken society with it. Public transportation was no longer — gasoline was a currency and farmed food a scarce commodity. Packs of deadly non-native predators, escapees from zoos, together with wild dogs and feral cats, now hunted to scavenge for food in competition with humans. Many survivors paid overlords for shelter in heavily fortified compounds so as to protect them against tribal gangs roaming the countryside. The Dark Ages had returned.

First nations of the Yuin mob, Turk is the product of intense military training — a walking lethal weapon. Returning from the Cyberwars and a stint in military prison, he’s on way to his home town on the south coast of New South Wales. His heart is set on a chance to reinvent himself; to calm the savage beast released in him by war. But his hopes and dreams will soon be smashed by the horror awaiting him.

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Gary L Keady


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